Stuck with ancient apps?

Upgrade your legacy apps to adapt to modern needs with containers, cloud and our software engineering expertise.

Through our Application Modernisation offerings, we help you address the migration of legacy to new applications and platforms, including the integration of new functionality to provide the latest functions to the business.

Modernization options include re-platforming, re-hosting, recoding, rearchitecting, re-engineering, interoperability, replacement, and retirement, as well as changes to the application architecture to clarify which option should be selected.

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Transcend to the New

Legacy applications are also often monolithic applications. Monolithic applications have two characteristics that make it desirable to modernize them: they are difficult to update, and they are difficult and expensive to scale.

Monolithic apps are difficult to update for architectural reasons. Because all of an application’s components ship together, it is difficult and costly to add features given the overhead of complexity and integration challenges.

They are challenging and costly to scale for similar reasons. If even one component of an app is facing load and performance challenges, it can become necessary to scale up the entire app only to serve the most-demanding single component. This approach comes with considerable wasted compute.

By modernizing an application to more of a microservices architecture, components are smaller, loosely coupled and can be deployed and scaled independently of one another. While bringing its own set of challenges, this approach is where much of the core value in modernization can be found.


A business strategy is the means by which it sets out to achieve its desired ends.

A business strategy is the means by which it sets out to achieve its desired ends.

Restructuring your company could restore its viability and improve its liquidity position.

Overcome Challenges

Non existent documentation or functional specifications

To smoothly substitute the legacy applications, we mine business rules from existing application code and documentation wherever possible, investigate code dependencies and component integrations. We readily cooperate with IT departments and other employees as well as third-party vendors, customer's partners, and other people knowledgeable of your business process

Difficulty to predict modernization results

To keep the modernization process manageable, traceable and visible we split the application into several independent modules to introduce changes fast and incrementally.

Also, we recognise the critical role of risk management and implement thorough analysis of your enterprise app basing on technical, business and economic considerations.

Therefore, we are able to consider 

Engagement models for Modernization

We offer 2 models for modernizing for legacy apps.

Step Modernization

In step modernization, we take parts of your application and transform one at a time. This model suits the applications which are too large to transform in one go or too business critical.

360 Modernization

In 360 modernization, we analyse the complete application and work on transforming the entire application in one go. This model is best for transforming applications which are either smaller in nature or has a smaller footprint in your ecosystem.

We can also customise and mix and match various other models we follow to best suit your needs.