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Mobile Application

Excerpt: It has been a recurring question why Application development is expensive in some companies than in others. So in this article, we will explore the reasons that lead to the cost hike in the app development process.

The cost of developing a mobile app can range from a few thousand dollars to hundreds of thousands of dollars for major projects. For big companies, this amount may be negligible, but for small firms or startups, it is a substantial figure that’s why application development is expensive

Any buyer wants to know exactly what they are paying for before they make a purchase. As a result, many individuals may wonder why app development costs so much in some companies than in others.

The problem is that, while all apps may appear to be relatively identical, they differ not only in terms of individual software components, but also in terms of how they interact with one another, the resources a product requires, and other aspects. Any software is basically a business tool designed to generate revenue in order to justify investments.

We’ll discuss why application development is expensive in some companies and why such costs are fair in this article.

1. Complex and Lengthy Process

To create a mobile app, you’ll need to complete at least the following steps. Missing out on any of it can result in failure or might not lead to your desired result

  • Draw up and approve a list of requirements;
  • Plan sprints, discuss details;
  • Design the future product’s architecture;
  • Create prototype, design UI/UX;
  • Develop the client and server parts;
  • Test and fix bugs;
  • Publish the product in the App Store/Google Play.

Depending on the complexity of your program and the number of time-consuming tasks it contains, processes may be added to this list. As a result, even a reasonably simple program can take more than 200 or 300 hours to develop. If lesser than something has to be missed, resulting in not the desired results.

Furthermore, the only way to assess the viability of many ideas is to put them to use. Furthermore, the outcomes are not always what you expect, and this fact pushes the deadline back even further.

2. Involve A Team In Work

An app may require a small team of three individuals, dozens, or even hundreds of specialists of various profiles, depending on its complexity and ambitions.

  • A business analyst studies customer needs and designs the application logic based on the results found.
  • A designer creates the product interface.
  • Software engineers work to implement the necessary functionality.
  • QA specialists check product correct operation.
  • A project manager coordinates the work of all team members and is responsible for meeting deadlines.

The list could get even longer. In most circumstances, getting effective results with just one person is simply impossible.

3. Innumerable Platforms and Technologies

In most circumstances, creating an app for two main platforms, such as iOS and Android, at the same time is required to reach the largest possible audience. Even when using cross-platform frameworks like Xamarin, two different versions for various platforms necessitate additional development and testing time.

Furthermore, implementing certain features may necessitate the use of a certain programming language or technology. As a result, you’ll need to hire more developers to work on the project, each with their own area of specialty.

4. Competition and User Experience

Users are already aware that practically every work may be solved using many applications. As a result, customers can install and try a variety of different items before settling on one.

In certain cases, customers prefer the app with the most features, while in others, they prefer the alternative with the most appealing and user-friendly layout.

This competitive climate raises the bar for market entrance quality, particularly in popular niches and when targeting TIER-1 markets. It is required to work on the product much more before it is released, which raises the development cost.

5. Software Developers Are In High Demand

The demand for mobile app development is increasingly outpacing the number of qualified expertise. It’s much more difficult to locate seasoned developers with domain expertise. All of these factors have an impact on the market value of software engineer services.

As a result, everything boils down to this:

Hourly rate multiplied by development time equals app cost.

It only considers the time spent by developers, not the time spent by other specialists involved in complex projects.

6. Running Business with No App May Prove Costly

It makes no difference if your competitors have mobile applications or not. If you own a business, you cannot overlook the advantages that a mobile app can provide.

The development of a corporate mobile app may appear to be a costly job. However, it allows you to become closer to your clients, keep existing audiences while also attracting new ones, obtain an effective marketing tool, and push your organization to new heights.

There are proven strategies to make mobile app development cheaper if you understand the necessity of investing in mobile app development but wish to save money at least a little. You can use your resources as efficiently as possible if you know exactly what you want and work with a knowledgeable team.

Frequently asked question

Q1: Why is Application development expensive?

There are multiple versions of each platform used by customers around the world. As a result, businesses need an application that looks and behaves the same on all versions of each platform, which increases development time and cost.

Q2: Which language is best for application development?

Native android
React native
Apache Cordova

Q3: Is Android app development a good career?

According to a study, more than 135,000 new Android app development jobs will be available by 2024. With the rise of Android, Android apps are used in almost every industry in India, which is a great career choice in 2021.

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